


The Volunteer English Teacher (V.E.T.) Program provides opportunities for poor village children in China's rural schools to practice speaking English to foreign visitors. By improving their basic and oral English skills, the students will have a greater opportunity to continue with education or to secure employment, especially in the tourism and service industry.

V.E.T. is a registered Chinese charity and volunteer organization. Laurie MacKenzie a former Canadian professor and Owen Buckland, President of Omeca International Teacher Exchange Association founded the Program in October 2004. Since that time, dozens of foreigners with strong English skills have given hundreds of hours of instruction and classroom time to our village schools. Benefit to the students and teachers is very evident in the improvement in English test and exam scores and improved self-confidence when speaking to foreigners. Co-founder Laurie MacKenzie is retired now and has returned to Canada. Liu Hai is currently in charge of the V.E.T. Program. All of our staff are volunteers who do not receive any remuneration for their work.

China's remarkable economic rise in the past 30 years is well documented and known throughout the world. Education has also seen tremendous changes in this period, but the reality is that the less developed smaller urban and rural areas still battle with extreme poverty. The local Education Authorities and the individual schools cannot possibly afford the luxury of a foreign teacher to practice oral English with the students. V.E.T. is highly praised and recognized for its great contribution to the children by all levels of education administrators. The VET is a same as social services departments. Some local school absorbed the costs for the volunteer teachers . With this kind of local support, V.E.T. has every reason to believe that we will succeed in extending the service to other remote impoverished areas.


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1 Volunteer English Teacher (VET) Programs

Volunteer English Teacher Program
Age Range
18 + Years
Project Types:
Teaching English, Youth Development