Travel Teacher


United Kingdom

Travel Teacher is an award winning, meaningful travel company based in the UK. We are a community of driven, empathetic, and ambitious individuals that seek to make your journeys abroad more ethical, meaningful and educational, we want travel to change you in ways that you have never imagined!

For over 5 years, Travel Teacher has empowered like-minded individuals to pursue life-changing experiences around the world, all whilst leaving a positive mark on the communities we visit and the environments we explore.

Our Philosophy:

We believe that the deepest travel happens when you integrate into a community by actively participating, opening yourself to interact with the locals and understanding the way others live. This can be as easy as taking part in cultural rituals, eating traditional dishes from the region and generally being engulfed into the world around you.

You will be encouraged to step outside of your comfort zone, try something new and discover life skills that impact the world positively. Our programmes are a great way for you to learn more about yourself! So park your fears and hang-ups, join us and engage with people of the world!

Our Story:

Unrelenting curiosity has taken Founder and Managing Director Matt Ray to some of the far corners of the world. Prior to travelling, Matt found himself at a career crossroad - a moment when he felt he needed to make some big decisions about what he wanted from his work and life. So he embarked on a trip abroad, or call it a gap-year experience, a journey which would not only shape his future career pathway, but also enhance his own personal development. The experience allowed Matt to discover where his individual passions lie, he became ever more inspired to learn and explore and to create for himself and others, a happy, healthy future.

“Travel brings up such a variety of experiences from connecting with others, to experiencing new cultures, to learning valuable life lessons. The experience of travel has contributed to my own personal and professional development and has transformed me in ways which are often hard to describe.”

Born out of the desire to inspire others to step outside of their comfort zone, and connect with the real world, and people, Travel Teacher was Founded in 2015. Our pioneering group of travellers’ spent the inaugural summer developing our unique community-based model in Fiji. We have since been able to emulate this in locations across East Africa, South Asia and Europe.

We’ve hosted more than 200 travellers and impacted the lives of many around the world through our ethical and meaningful approach to travel. We have developed a real connection with the people and environments that our business is built around, and had the privilege of working with and meeting many inspiring people worldwide that make up our distinctive community.

Wherever we go, our philosophy and model remains the same: we commit to developing individuals, inspiring communities, and providing awe-inspiring travel experiences for those who apply to join us.


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1 Travel Teacher Programs

Cultural Exchange in Maldives
Age Range
18 + Years
Project Types:
Tourism, Education
Travel Teacher