

United States

NGOabroad was “in utero” for almost 10 years, and was finally born in 2004.

1990年初的时候,我提供了一个国际al social work job. At the emd of the interview they said: “We would like you to do trauma counseling in either Cambodia with genocide survivors or in Guatemala with children who saw their parents brutally murdered during the 30+ years civil war. We would love to have you, but it enriches our programming to know, what would you propose or do?”

“Agh, I am such a social worker! I have learned that if you do not do a thorough intake or needs assessment, then your intervention may be off. Before I zero in on one place, I must really look at the whole world to see how & where to focus.”

10年来,我做了一个“需求评估”——研究hing the community and national needs in many, many countries. I had extensively studied world cultures earlier in college – African Literature & History; China, Japan & India; Russian history, literature & language – but I deepened my understanding of history and current events of almost every corner of the earth. John Lear, Latin American professor at University of Puget Sound, Lucy Jarosz, Africa professor at the University of Washington, and Peter Dorman at American University of Beirut generously guided my studies.

This extensive background work shapes our international volunteer opportunities: it is what makes our volunteer abroad programs more real & challenging; aimed at tackling humanity’s challenges. This in-depth research is also what informs the international career counselling that I do. I know what the needs are for almost every profession; and what is going on in almost every corner of the earth. While most scholars zero in on one region – zeroing in gave me a funny kind of claustrophobia – my goal was & is to have a broader perspective & impact.

-Ann McLaughlin, Founder & Director


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1 NGOabroad Programs

Honduras Volunteer Abroad in Education
Age Range
18 + Years
Project Types:
Teaching English, Youth Development, Education