African Entrepreneur Collective



African Entrepreneur Collective staff, board, and volunteers are all in. Similar to our entrepreneurs, we work hard to find data-driven solutions to our daily work, while keeping our eye on the big picture. Our team represents cultures and perspectives from across East Africa and the US, and most importantly, is connected to a shared set of values. To date, AEC has worked with more than 3,400 entrepreneurs who have generated 5,400 new jobs in their communities.

“All the problems on the Continent have solutions that already exist on the Continent.” A Continents people are its greatest resource. AEC’s entrepreneurs are an integral part to the phenomenon of Africa Rising.

“We reach beyond what we think is possible.” We set ambitious goals, and we push our entrepreneurs and our staff to achieve these goals. Together, we do the impossible.

“We are committed to continuous learning and growing.” We recognize our own limitations, challenge our entrepreneurs, staff, and entrepreneurs to improve, and seek out opportunities to share our learnings and commit to hearing from others.

“The brave rise together.” Movements build, and communities change when people come together through collective intention.

“我们吃山羊。”我们在去her, we celebrate our success. We take time to appreciate one another and hold each other up in hard times.


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1 African Entrepreneur Collective Programs

Entrepreneur Mentoring in Rwanda
Age Range
18 + Years
Project Types:
Professional Development, Youth Development, Others, Income...See More
African Entrepreneur Collective