Microfinance Internship in Costa Rica


  • Improve your Spanish through total immersion.
  • Work in a fun and relaxed environment.
  • Gain real-world experience.
  • Meet other people from around the world.


Interns joining the Microfinance and business program will be helping small entrepreneurs manage their business plans, loans and advise them on key decisions for better growth. Interns can also help in workshops that range from basic financial literacy, marketing, accounting, data analysis, and more.

Depending on the intern's profile, skills and interests he/she can be assigned to different areas. Interns must speak basic Spanish and are preferred to have a background in finance, economics, accounting, marketing, and related fields. Intensive Spanish lessons are also available in Costa Rica before starting the internship.

Possible tasks:

Financial literacy workshops.
Guiding individual small business owners
Loan management training.
Helping small entrepreneurs establish the right tools for their future business.
Helping small entrepreneurs make feasibility studies.
Smart use of technology and training in ready available financial tools.

  • Host family, in private room with two meals per day Participation in cultural activities. On call support throughout the service. Coordination of internship- Orientation to intern work. Welcome at airport with transport. Certificate of program completion
  • Transport upon finishing service Airfare Travel insurance

Important Information

Program available from 4-24 weeks
Participants can arrive almost any Sunday.
Participants must have some education in related field.

Booking Section

Dates & Availability

This program is available all year round. You can select any date as per your comfort.Please select the week you plan to join the program.

Please select no. of travellers
Please select your preferred departure date
Please select program duration
  • 4 Weeks

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

  • 5周

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

  • 6 Weeks

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

  • 7 Weeks

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

  • 8 Weeks

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

  • 9 Weeks

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

  • 10 Weeks

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

  • 11 Weeks

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

  • 12 Weeks

    Please select no. of travellers and your preferred date.

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