Childcare Volunteer Program in Zimbabwe-Over 22,000 Happy Volunteers since 2006


  • Join an incredibly affordable program trusted by over 22,000 since 2006
  • Your safety is our highest priority, and all our projects and facilities have been thoroughly vetted
  • Feel what it’s like when someone’s life has been made better because of you
  • Realize your dreams of travelling and making a difference by volunteering with children and youth in dire need.
  • Program fees include airport pick-up, orientation, accommodation, food and in-country support


Do you have a passion for helping underprivileged children to make a difference in their lives? Do you ever dream of touring Zimbabwe and learn the diverse culture and expansive history?

许多低收入家庭在津巴布韦通过找到它cult to earn income to support their families because they have to stay at home to take care of their children. They are unable to afford daycare services and there are limited facilities provided by the government to support the parents. Many parents have to leave their children alone as they go for work. This leaves the children vulnerable and they are also devoid of parental love and care needed in their childhood.

IFRE works with two childcare centers, one in a rural village and one in Victoria Falls Town. You will assist the local staff with teaching lessons, preparing meals, feeding the children, cleaning and supervising children. You will also help organize events, plan games and extra-curricular activities like dance, singing, art and crafts etc. You will also teach the children about hygiene and provide them with love and motivation.

Your efforts will have a positive impact on the children as well as their families. The children will be able to thrive in a safe and happy environment and the parents can go to work knowing their children are in good hands. By helping the children, you will enable them to have a positive future that will in turn help strengthen the local communities. You will also gain meaningful experience in the field of childcare and gain lifelong memories with the children.

Important Information

Anyone with a passion for working with kids and making a difference in the lives of families and communities in need can join. You should have a passion and eagerness to play with and work with young kids, and the patience this often entails.

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