巴拉圭Wildlife Conservation & Community Outreach


  • Boost your CV with international volunteer experience
  • Do meaningful volunteer work protecting the fragile ecosystem in Paraguay
  • Learn more about the diverse flora and fauna in Paraguay
  • Visit a country that still is a real insider tip for volunteer work abraod
  • 扩大你的跨文化技能而沉浸into a new culture


Conduct scientific fieldwork, help protect local wildlife, and reach out to local communities in Paraguay! Choose from a variety of areas to work on site.

This project is carried out by a non-profit organization that strives to protect the rich biodiversity in Paraguay. They do this through scientific research and community outreach. The project is located in the country's center very close to the river Neembucu, a huge and important river, which is part of a region that is a real hotspot for nature and wildlife research as well as eco tourism. This large stream feeds into the impressive Rio Paraguay and is home to stunning tourist attractions. Many of the species in this region are only native to this area, which makes it a unique place to study local flora and fauna. Many new species have already been discovered by the volunteer project, and there could still be more to identify.

In Paraguay, there is a constant concern about the continuous destruction of nature. This is due to expanding agricultural activities, like cattle breeding and soya production. Land purchased from conservation orientated organizations helps to protect nature and wildlife by providing protected corridors, which link remaining pieces of original vegetation.

There are different areas where volunteers can work (subject to availability).

Conservation Science: tasks include data collection regarding primatology in the Atlantic Forest, fishing in the river, butterfly and moth surveys, frog, lizard and snake surveys, camera trapping as well as habitat monitoring with a drone.

蝴蝶库存:构建ing a collection of all of the species found here to demonstrate to the world how special and biodiverse the reserve is. On a typical day, you will learn how to help grow caterpillars into adults, understand the insects’ lifecycles, and prepare the creatures for collection.

Reptile and Amphibian Survey: keeping museum and databases up-to-date, showing the interesting specimens to tourists, and helping to design and develop new educational materials.

Reserve Maintenance: Maintaining trails, maintaining facilities, building rest areas, expanding the trail system, helping with the organic garden, or assisting with recycling projects.

Outreach: The project works in the communities that are close to the reserve, providing environmental education to adults and children.

Free-time activities:

The region where this volunteer project is placed is one of the most popular touristic destinations in Paraguay. The Nature is exuberant in the eyes of every visitor. The immense wetlands with animal and plant life markedly different from other regions serve to reinforce the charm of an area of unparalleled beauty. Flowing rivers, such as Paraná and Paraguay, with unique places for relaxing on beaches, historical sites such as the Jesuits ruins of Humaitá, and a very good gastronomy call those who wish a healthy distraction. Its picturesque villages keep their colonial style buildings intact, with mud and stacking constructions that continue to show all the beauty of the architecture of previous centuries.

Language Skills:

You need to speak English (intermediate level) or Spanish (basic level)

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