特殊教育项目墨西哥——超过22000没说完y Volunteers since 2006


  • Join an incredibly affordable program trusted by over 22,000 since 2006
  • Your safety is our highest priority, and all our projects and facilities have been thoroughly vetted
  • Feel what it’s like when someone’s life has been made better because of you
  • Touch the lives of children afflicted by physical & mental handicaps
  • Program fees include airport pick-up, orientation, accommodation, and in-country support


Do you want to help disabled children while experiencing a new culture, and feel warmly welcomed by local staff, parents and community?

For decades, children with special needs have suffered abuse of all kinds in Mexico. The government has done very little to improve the miserable condition of disabled children. They need a good education to overcome this situation. However, there are a few schools that provide education to differently-abled children, but it’s not enough. Also, they have to cover huge distances to make it to the school. As a result, there is a great need for support and assistance from the volunteers.

志愿者在这个位置的行为as assistants to the teachers and therapists in the classrooms/workshops. They are involved with all levels of education, from pre-school and primary to preparation for the workplace, both in and out of the classroom. Pre-school needs the most support due to the many different disabled children, and in primary education, due to the number of children in the classroom. Through your work, each student can receive the personal attention he/she requires in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the time spent at the school. Another important aspect of volunteer work involves taking part in the planning and execution of fundraising activities. Work can vary throughout the year.

Important Information

A basic level of Spanish is preferred for this placement in order to communicate with the staff and students. This project is ideal for those interested in a career in special education, general education, or any of the specialized subjects such as speech therapy, social work or physical therapy; however, anyone with an interest in showing support to this excellent cause will be welcomed into the school.

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