Mexico Special Education Volunteer Opportunity


  • Help change the lives of children who have been isolated and marginalized
  • Provide education opportunities to disadvantaged children
  • Gain a rewarding experience make a difference in lives of needy children
  • Travel to Mexico and immerse in its rich culture


EEESMA would not exist without your support. The school relies on donations, grants and fundraising and volunteers to operate. There is no government funding provided.

Yet, the opportunities and challenges are exciting and many, and we need more friends to help us make this Mexican school for Mexican kids continue to grow and improve! We need volunteers more than ever. If you are a person who would be a good role model, have a background in special ed., sign language or have teaching skills, you would be a valuable asset; perhaps even as a teachers aide. If you don't have these special skills but have other talents to offer in such areas as photography, arts and crafts, computer literacy, music, jewellery making, or even cooking/baking, gardening or others, we could use your help working with the students during afternoon workshops.

Here are some ways you might consider supporting us.

Share a skill in one of the vocational training workshops, assuming you have a comfort using Spanish or sign language (ASL works), and have lots and lots of patience to communicate

Participate in a fundraising project, a special event, give time to the school store or provide transportation, write publicity or the like.

We are determined to succeed in providing the best possible education and vocational training for these deserving young people; there is no other acceptable option.

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