
  • Make a contribution towards the conservation of the reef’s ecosystem
  • Learn about different facets of conservation through coral aquaculture
  • Make a change while diving around healthy reef ecosystem
  • Raise awareness regarding the dangers which are threatening the corals


Do you feel like you want to support our cause? Do you have time? Do you have motivation? Do you want a new experience? BECOME A VOLUNTEER!!!!

R.E.E.F is a young Malagasy NGO, that is to say a non-profit organization. It was born as a joint initiative by people united by their love of scuba diving. An awareness regarding the dangers which are threatening the corals pushed them to find a scientific alternative to serve the conservation of the marine environment. Volunteers all across the globe are supporting this cause.

R.E.E.F is based in Nosy Be, in the village of Ambondrona. This island to the northwest of Madagascar offers wonderful diving sites, with amazing reef formations. Although it is a destination greatly prized by tourists, our center has the advantage of being located far away from the hubbub of crowded beaches.

The corals:

R.E.E.F is focused on coral reefs. Playing a fundamental role in the balance of the marine ecology, corals are necessary for the survival of the whole planet. Being a wonderful ecosystem but very vulnerable, coral reefs are being destroyed in the Nosy Be waters. For that reason, it is imperative for us to save this particular marine habitat.

Coral Aquaculture:

R.E.E.F has adopted the coral aquaculture as its raison d’être. This aquaculture method consists of extracting pieces of coral from a site, propagating them and transplanting the corals back on the reef. Coral farming is an alternative method serving the purpose of restoring coral reefs. The team is involved in interesting work with the prospect of regenerating corals.


Sensitization & Education: R.E.E.F is actively committed to environmental education.

Exploration: R.E.E.F has defined different sites to take action.

Process of the coral aquaculture: Coral aquaculture or coral farming is a widespread practice around …

Research: R.E.E.F carries out research serving coral aquaculture.

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