Volunteer for Charity with young activists


  • have the most possible positive impact in the world
  • work along like-minded people that are self-driven, dedicated & willing to contribute
  • 在革命工作项目和形状generation of software
  • grow as a person, self development, improve your mindset
  • learn new skills and acquire experience to become independent and critical thinking


Do good in the world by contributing to philanthropic IT projects. Join an impactful team of young activists that has raised $25M for charity.

The Singularity Group is a group of international young activists. We have more than 40 members and are based in Forst (Lausitz), near Berlin, northeast Germany. We have various projects to do good in the world, and are always looking for more volunteers to join us.

Our hub in Europe provides the perfect environment for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world and learn new skills. It allows you to work alongside like-minded people that are dedicated & self-driven to contribute to impactful projects! This is a volunteer opportunity with all necessities provided for free - Private Accommodation & Plant Based Food included!

Important Information

The Singularity Group is a group of international young activists. We have more than 40 members and are based in Forst (Lausitz), near Berlin, northeast Germany. We have various projects to do good in the world, and are always looking for more volunteers to join us.
You can visit our website here: https://singularitygroup.net

Our hub in Europe provides the perfect environment for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world and learn new skills. It allows you to work alongside like-minded people that are dedicated & self-driven to contribute to impactful projects! This is a volunteer opportunity with all necessities provided for free - Private Accommodation & Plant Based Food included!

We're a group of activists that raised more than $25 million for charity via livestreaming and online events on Twitch & YouTube: https://www.savethechildren.org/athene
We are currently working on software projects like Clash of Streamers, a top-grossing Play To Earn mobile game: https://clashofstreamers.com/
All profits are being used for charitable projects, aiming to trial universal basic income projects: https://www.givingworks.io/

I've been living & working here for a long time already, mainly contributing to charity fundraising, social media & philanthropic software development projects. Currently I'm mostly busy helping refugees from Ukraine.
You can read about my experience here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kONApP4YkOWxhH2CwN1I6PI4CL9QdfM4ge4g38gCftc/

Feel free to reach out if you are interested in this opportunity! :)

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