Volunteer with Children in Ethiopia


  • Learn about the culture, language, and lifestyle in Ethiopia
  • Share your love and impart skills to the underprivileged children
  • Explore the local landmarks and meet with the local people
  • 激励和鼓励孩子future of the world


Volunteer in Dire Dawa, Ethiopia by working hands on in the orphanage center and school. Tasks and duties include:

For school:

Being an assistant to the teachers
Help organize after-school sports activities
Help organize sports competition between local schools
Help organize an after school homework help/tutorship
Help organize field trips to educational sites within the city
Help organize assemblies (parents, health education, report cards)

For Orphanage:

Act as an on-site advisor to the children
给建议卫生,上学,好有限公司nduct, etc
Act as mentor for children, taking them on outings
Assist in budgeting and distributing funds
Assist in shopping for supplies

Volunteer positions available:

Project Coordinator- monitor the running of the programs (after school activities), help to maintain them by selecting volunteers in the community, or mobilizing recruited volunteers

Project Assistant- assist with after-school and in-school activities as well as be a youth mentor for the children who stay on residence

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