Maestros English Program in Colombia


  • Immerse in the Spanish culture and enjoy the sights and sounds of Colombia
  • Gain a valuable and meaningful hands-on Teaching experience
  • Develop classroom management skills with real students
  • Meet your like minded people and build connections


Maestros is an English program for teachers working in the public school systems in Colombia. A Sueños Compartidos volunteer leads a four-week intensive English workshop (20 hours/week) primarily focusing on conversation/listening/pronunciation. In some locations, during the final week of the program, volunteers teach in the classrooms of the teachers participating in the program. Class size is up to twenty students.

Our volunteer teachers receive meals and housing from the teacher group in Colombia. Classes are Monday-Friday, with weekends open for relaxation and travel and Colombia offer fantastic travel opportunities... but with the friends you make in your teaching community, you might decide not to go anywhere else! As a volunteer you will experience Colombia - the food, the music, the geography, and the people!


Sueños Compartidos volunteer teachers must be over 25 years old and have at least three years of teaching experience.

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