China Teaching Volunteer Quest


  • Help teach English to local Chinese students
  • Gain a truly immersive cultural experience in China
  • Get an opportunity to teach independently
  • Learn new skills while making an impact in the lives of children


在中国,世界上最老的家st civilizations, United Planet volunteers experience the enormous diversity of this vast country. In spite of a rapidly growing economy, volunteers will see how China’s complicated history has affected its status on the global stage. As a volunteer in China, you will live and work in Changsha, the capital and largest city in the Hunan province, with a population of more than 7 million. Changsha is known for its delicious, spicy fare and beautiful riverbanks. While ancient relics can be found in the 3,000-year-old city, modern skylines filled with skyscrapers are at every turn.

As a volunteer in China you will reside in the suburban Wangcheng district, connected to the rest of Changsha by public transit. You will build friendships with local elementary and middle school students and their families by helping teach English at schools in the area.

United Planet Quests are designed to be immersive, authentic, comprehensive and provide you everything you’ll need to succeed. The program elements allow you to engage fully with a new culture, forge strong relationships, and challenge yourself. Most importantly, we partner with the community to ensure your experience will be important, relevant and helpful to the community you serve.

伟大的志愿者或背景who are studying education. Help teach English to local Chinese students at an elementary school or middle school in Changsha. Volunteers with past teaching experiences and those who express interest will have the opportunity to teach independently. Volunteers in China can expect to work Monday – Friday for 35 – 40 hours a week. Local holidays may require volunteers to be flexible with their work days. No teaching experience in needed, but a positive attitude and flexibility is required.

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